View On Black
ISO 100 f/22 1/200s 1 bare SB-800 set TTL 4 inches from subject Triggered with Nikon CLS.
This lonely Cone Flower (at lease I believe it is a cone flower) is the first one to stand tall in a sea of Tickseed flowers. I was pleased to see the lavender colored flowers contrasting against the yellow. I did manage to shoot this shot with daylight still available, but I decided to use the ambient light for focusing only and separate this proud flower from mass of shorter identical Tickseed flowers.
With summer approaching my yard has exploded with flowers and and vegetables, but my beautiful plants are now being encroached upon by weeds. The greatest downside of gardening in Alabama is that absolutely anything can and will grow here. And non-native invasives, thrive on the warm humid conditions of the Tennessee Valley.
until tomorrow,
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