Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Day 232 - Vin Santo del Chianti

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Day 232 - Vin Santo del Chianti

ISO 100 f/9 1/200s 1 SB-25 inside of 50" Apollo camera left, and two SB-26s @ 1/8th fired at background triggered with pocket wizard plus IIs.

I have been waiting a very long time to open this bottle,  I bought 2 at the time when I purchased this one and was given 1/2 bottle as a gift when Leela work at the Wine Cellar.  Tonight is not the night to open it, but I thought I would get a picture of this beautiful wine before it was opened.

setup shot
Vin Santo del Chianti Setup

until tomorrow,

Day 231 - Lazy Sunday

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Day 230 - Lazy Sunday

Lazy Sunday with friends no strobes today

Day 230 - Contrast

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ISO 400 1/200s f/13 Typical darkfield lighting.  Softbox behind with a black card.

Day 230 - Contrast

View On Black

until tomorrow,

Day 229 - Chimay

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ISO 400 f/6.3 1/200s 1 Softbox behind with aluminum foil reflector in front.
Day 229 - Chimay

Very disapointed with the result of this image.  I actually started out trying a completely different glassware shot, and this just happened to be the beer I was drinking while I worked.  Maybe I should wait till afterwards to start drinking.

until tomorrow,

Day 228 - John

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ISO 400 f/2.8 1/200s 1 SB-26 inside of Apollo 50" softbox camera left, and 1 SB-26 @ 35mm 1/64th bare very far camera right for fill triggered with pocket wizard plus IIs.

Day 228 - John

John was in need of new photos to share with friends and family, he met me  in Downtown Huntsville to take few quick shots before meetting up with a group of friends.

until tomorrow,

Day 227 - JR

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Day 227 - JR

Strobist Info:
1 reflective umbrella as a key light and 1 bare flash from behind subject for a rim.  Sorry, keeping the details on this one a secret.  I promise I won't make a habit out of it.

Met up with JR tonight before his local club soccer game to snap a few action shots as well as a portrait.  I decided to process the portrait first, and have not decided yet if I will post the others to flickr or not yet.

until tomorrow,

Day 226 - Silhouette

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Day 226- Silhouette

ISO 320 f/11 1/200s 1 SB-26 @ 24mm 1/2 power inside of 50" Apollo behind subject.  Triggered with pocket wizard plus IIs.

setup shot
Silhouette Setup

Day 225 - Yellow

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ISO 100 f/10 1/200s 1 SB-26 @ 24mm 1/8th inside of pocket soft box camera left, and 1 SB-26 @ 20mm 1/8th with blue gel fired at background.

Day 225 - Yellow

setup shot
Yellow Setup

Day 224 - Rock On

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ISO 100 f/9 1/200s 1 SB-26 @ 24mm 1/8th high subject right pointed at white foam board subject left, and 1 SB-26 @ 24mm 1/2th power very high camera right into 43" reflective umbrella.  Triggered with pocket wizard plus IIs.

Day 224 - Rock On

Didn't get much time to shoot yesterday.  I spent most of my free time photographing products I need to sell for ebay listings.  I am trying to sell several old computers, iPods, and other electronics to purchase a new laptop.

until tomorrow,

Day 223 - 50 f/4

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View larger to see the sharpness in the eye

Day 223 - 50 f/4

ISO 100 f/4 1/200s  See setup for Strobist info.

Everyone who gets a fast 50 wants to only shoot at 1.4 or 1.8 depending on what lens they have.  Move in really close for a ridiculously shallow depth-of-field and call it artsy and creative.  Don't get me wrong, I have owned a 50 f/1.4 for a long time now and I even had a Nikon 50mm f/1.2 Ai-S lens that I sold for my ultrawide lens.  I too went through the wide open stupid DOF that everyone loves so much.  I like a good Bokeh and it has it's place, but if you haven't explored the apertures between 2.8 and 13 on your fast 50 your are really missing out.  I have been shooting all of my product photography lately with a my 50 because prime lenses are always sharper than zoom lenses, and 50mm is slightly telephoto on a DX sensor not creating much distortion.

I went out to this location because of the reflective marble wall, but then decided to recompose my shot without the reflection.  I think I am doing something weird with my lips in this shot, but I choose this one for the sharpness of the eye.  I really look forward to returning back to this wall with a friend or client for a shoot.

setup shot
50 f/4 Setup

until tomorrow,

Day 222 - Pour a Glass for me!

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Day 222 - Pour a Glass for me!

ISO 400 f/9 1/200s 3 SB-26s @ 24mm 1/32nd fired at background triggered with pocket wizard plus IIs.

This shot is a variation of shot requested by my friend John.  This shot was the 1st attempt of 4.  I had 4 identical glasses, and I didn't want to clean glasses in between shots.  I could have stopped on the first shot, but I shot it 4 times and I will post the takes 2 through 4 later tonight for you to decide your favorite.

setup shot

until next time,

take 2

takes 3 and 4
3 and 4

Day 221 - More Beer Photography

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ISO 100 f/11 1/200s 1 SB-26 @ 18mm 1/2th power inside of 50" Wetcott Apollo.

Day 221 - More Beer Photography

I had a really good idea for a shot outside of the house tonight, but I didn't have to time to go out on location and shoot, hopefully tomorrow.

until tomorrow,

setup shot
More Beer Photography Setup

Notes:  Up the flash power raise the table 1ft and move the light farther or closer from the subject to get the color of the beer I want

Day 220 - More Tabletop Photography

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Day 220 - More Tabletop Photography

ISO 100 f/8 1/200s 1 SB-26 @ 1/8th power inside of pocket softbox high camera left triggered with pocket wizard plus IIs.

I really need to break this habit of tabletop photography and go outside and shot.  I also forgot the setup shot on this photo.  I really got to get back on track,  there is prediction of cooler weather here in the south this weekend.  I have several location I have been scouting out and will hopefully leave the house to shoot soon.

until tomorrow,

Day 219 - Dead Head

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Day 219 - Dead Head

ISO 400 f/9 1/200s 1 SB-26 @ 18mm 1/2th power inside of 50" Westcott Apollo directly behind subject on sheet of black acrylic.

Sorry for the late post I have had really bad time management lately.

until later,

Day 218 - Big Light

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Day 218 - Big Light

ISO 100 f/4 1/200s 1 SB-26 @ 24mm 1/4th power inside of an 50" Westcott Apollo Soft Box Camera left just outside of the frame.

I got a new light modifier in the mail today, and I think I am going to love this thing.  "IT'S HUGE", but it sets up in seconds and feels very sturdy and tough.

I started this shot very close to the wall, but the shot was to high key for my taste.  I move every thing about 8ft from the wall and really got the contrast between the subject and background that I was wanting.  I also replace my 2 43" umbrellas that where worn out and dirty after daily use and abuse.  I am looking forward to new possibilities with this large softbox.

until tomorrow,

Day 217 - Sunset

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Resorted to an instagram photo for my daily photo after my strobist shot failed.  Apparently radio triggers don't work with repeating flash, lesson learned.

Day 217 - Sunset

Day 216 - Essentials

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ISO 100 f/13 1/200s.

Day 216 - Essentials

Long day check the setup shot for strobist info

Essentials Setup

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Day 215 - Stella

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I straightened the photo from the original upload using the camera left side of the vertical edge of the closest bottle.  It was off by 1º according to photoshop.

Day 215 - Stella

ISO 400 f/7.1 1/200s 1 SB-26 @ 18mm 1/16th power underneath a sheet of glass inside of a cardboard box lined with aluminum foil. Triggered with pocket wizard plus IIs.

CHEERS!!! IT'S FRIDAY!!!  I actually work Saturdays so it dose not really matter to me that it's Friday, but welcome to the weekend for the rest of you.  I will get my off day on Monday.  I have been wanting to take this shot for some time now, and finally got around to building this simple little setup.  Ideally I would have had a much larger and taller box with a bigger piece of glass to maximize my work space, but I was able to create this with things I already had around the garage.

setup shot
Stella Setup

until tomorrow,
I have more beer to drink CHEERS!!

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Day 214 - Bokeh

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ISO 100 f/1.6 1/4 1 SB-26 @ 24mm 1/32nd power with full CTO inside Pocket Softbox very close camera left.

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Day 214 - Bokeh

I recently got a clear piece of Acrylic from a home improvement store for about $4 for an 11x14 sheet and spray painted the back side with flat black paint.  I almost goofed on this shot by not gelling my flash and shooting in Daytime whitebalance, when I realized the colors where not coming out as expected I remember that the X-mas lights are tungsten.  Throw on a CTO Gel and change the camera white balance and problem solved.  Looking at the bokeh balls, I think it is time to clean the rear lens element.

setup shot
Bokeh Setup

until tomorrow,

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Day 213 - Mid Air Collision

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ISO 200 f/13 1s. 1 SB-26 @ 24mm 1/64th power camera left triggered with DIY sound trigger.

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Day 213 - Mid Air Collision

I am not sure, but I considered this shot a failure.  The initial ideal was to photograph to plates colliding in mid air.

This is the first attempt.
Mid Air Collision

The plate hit the bottom corner of the hanging plate instead of the center as I had intended.  I over estimated my ability to smash two plates together in complete darkness.  On the 2nd attempt with a bowl, I missed completely and sent the bowl smashing into a box fan.  I finally made a connection on the 3rd attempt but I had the 2nd flash resulting in a double exposure.  I really need to wire up a 555 timer to prevent the double exposures.

until tomorrow,