Monday, April 30, 2012

Day 121 - Get off my Daisy

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Day 121 - Get off my Daisy

ISO 200 f/32 1 SB-800 @ 50mm 1/32nd power handheld camera left triggered with on camera pop-up. Worked late this evening, but manage to catch of shot of this daisy with a roach hanging out on it.

until tomorrow,

Day 120 - Razor Splash

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 Follow me on instagram @cre8ive_light Day 120 - Razor Splash

 ISO 200 1/200s f/22. 1 SB-26 camera right @ 85mm 1/64th power, and 1 SB-800 camera left @ 85mm 1/64th power triggers with pocket wizard plus IIs.

 Setup shot
 Day 120 Setup shot

I found an aquarium the other day on the side of the road and needed to do something with this old Motorola Razor cell phone that has been dead and in my desk for years. I could have spent hours dropping things into this aquarium, this was almost as much fun as shooting last nights shot. I recommend to anyone who attempts this, to clean the aquarium very well and save some time in post. Ever speck of dust and dirt will show up at f/22 when the flash hits it.

until tomorrow,

Day 119 - Folly (Chase Freeman)

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Day 119 - Folly (Chase Freeman) and Tyler Brown on Facebook

 ISO 800 f/9 1/200s 1 SB-800 @ 85mm 1/4th power camera left and and 1 SB-26 @ 85mm 1/4th power camera right .

 This is Chase Freeman part of, who recently sponsored Chase. Chase Freeman, Matt Pittman, Kyle Steed, and myself coordinated on this photo shoot to introduced Chase Freeman's talents to the world. Chase, Matt, and Kyle were awesome to work with, Chase's talent was easy to photograph and I have a card full of photos to share with the Flickr community.

 until the next post,

I hope you enjoy this photo. Tyler

And a few more photos from the night

Day 118 - Peony

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Day 118 - Peony

ISO 200 f/22 1/200s 1 SB-800 @ 105mm 1/64th power handheld camera left triggered by on camera pop-up at 1/128th power.

follow me on instagram @cre8ive_light

Tonight I was supposed to photograph a local skateboarder, but the weather had other plans. After calling it a night I went to photograph these peonies in my neighbors yard after the storm broke. I can only imagine what someone would think if they saw me wondering around in their front yard with a camera and flash in the other hand stooped over their flower beds. I have yet to have to have a problem photographing other peoples flowers at 10:30 pm and it is worth it to get my photos. I am looking forward to tomorrows shoot and I am also planning a morning trip to the botanical gardens.

until tomorrow,

Day 117 - The Futbol Player

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Day 117 - The Futbol Player
 Instagram users follow me @cre8ive_light

 ISO 1000 f/4.5 1/160s 1 SB-26 @ 50mm full power with a full CTO gel camera right. Triggered with Pocket wizard plus IIs

 Stopped by the soccer fields to take a few shots of my friend JR. The sky was completely grey, and I decided to change my shot last minute and use the CTO gel and set my white balance to 2900K to add a little color. I originally had planed a two light shot with with a rim light at the back of the head and soft light from the front. When arriving at this huge soccer complex, I decided to go with a wide angle shot. I tried several action shots, but this one came out the best.

 until tomorrow,

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Day 116 - The Strobist

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Day 116 - The Strobist

ISO 100 f/2 1/80s 1 SB-26 @ 24mm 1/32nd power Shoot through umbrella camera right just outside of the frame, and 1 SB-800 @ 14mm 1/16th power with omnibounce and Roscoe blue gel triggered with pocket wizard plus IIs.

After cutting my head off last week for the sake of photography, I figured I owed it to myself to take a picture with my head; even if it looks better behind the camera than in front of it.  I actually had constructed this photo in my head a few weeks ago before going to Ocracoke, but never had the time to execute it.  This is typically how I look on any given night with all my gear slammed into this yellow messenger bag with a flash stand strap to the back.  I initially tried shooting this shot at f/1.4 for bigger Bokeh balls, but the depth of field was much to shallow.  Even at f/2, the bag is slightly out-of-focus.  I typically avoid out-of-focus elements in front of the subject, it is a photography rule I choose not to break.  As always when doing self portraits and especially at night the greatest challenge is getting the autofocus to work properly.  I tried shooting outside my normal method and triggered the camera with remote, but the camera never could focus in the dark before taking the picture.  What I like to do in this case; is stand in my position with my camera and focus on the tripod, then switch to manual focus and set my shot up.  I had fun setting this shot up and I was pleased to see the results after weeks of waiting to shoot this shot.

until tomorrow,

Day 115 - Just another Rose, but this one is mine

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Day 115 - Just another Rose, but this one is mine

ISO 100 f/2 1/200s with two 2 Stop ND Filters flash handheld camera right with my left hand set to TTL triggered with Nikon CLS

I chose to go the TTL Nikon CLS route today do to the fact I had my daughter with me when I took this photo.  I can't wait till she is old enough to understand that we took this photo together.

until tomorrow,

Day 114 - Picture Perfect

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Day - 114 Picture Perfect

ISO 100 f/1.4 1/30s 1 SB-800 @ 24mm  1/32nd power camera left shot through umbrella triggered with pocket wizard plus IIs.

I had hoped to make it to the botanical garden today, but that didn't happen.  I am planning on going the garden tomorrow, and I am supposed to photograph a friends bicycle tomorrow afternoon.  This week I also have plans for a photo session with another friend and then to finish the week up with some skateboard photography Friday night.

until tomorrow,

@Instagram: Cre8ive_light

Day - 113 A Little More Light

Day - 113 A Little More Light

ISO 100 f/22 10s 1 SB-26 @ 85mm 1/32nd power camera left 12 inches from subject triggered with Pocket Wizard Plus IIs.

This weeks theme for Stobist Sunday Group was Light painting.  While this photo didn't come out quite the way I hoped I really had fun with this shot, I definitely need more practice with light painting.

until tomorrow,

Day 112 - Bye Bye Mamiya

Day 112 - Bye Bye Mamiya

I have made the decision to sell my Mamiya C330 Medium Format TLR to fund my macro lens.  I really hate to let this camera go, but my priorities have shifted.  I didn't use this camera as much as I thought I would, probably do to its weight.  This camera is solid and heavy and creates great images, the most challenging thing is getting it off the shelf.

until tomorrow,

Day 111 - Peaches

Day 111 - Peaches

ISO 800 1 SB-800 @ 24mm set to TTL (yeah I was that lazy today) triggered using nikon cls

Tonight was a great night.  I had dinner with friends who cooked home made pizza using a  pizza oven they built in the back yard.  I had planned on shooting the oven, but we got so caught up eating pizza and drinking wine there was no time to take a photo before heading home.

My Peach tree is now putting out fruit; this is very exciting, even if the tree is only waste high and the peaches are the size of plums.  The goal of my yard has been to kill off all the grass and have a yard filled with flowers, plants, and veggies.  My philosophy, if I can't eat it or take a photo of it, I don't want it my yard.

until tomorrow,

Day 110 - Duaflex III

Day 110 - Duaflex III

ISO 500 f/11 1/200s 1 sb 800 1/4th power on the coffee table aimed at ceiling.  Triggered with pocket wizards.

A photo from my friends house.  His bookshelf has quite the collection.

until tomorrow,

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Day 109 - Retro Junk

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Day 109 - Retro Junk

ISO 100 f/2.8 1 SB-26 @ 50mm 1/4th power shoot through umbrella camera right and 1 SB-800 camera left @ 70mm 1/8th power aimed at wall. Flashes trigged with on camera pop up.

This shot was inspired by 35mm point-and-shoot cameras, which were notorious for their inaccurate framming causing novice photographers to cut the heads off of their subjects.

unprocessed uncropped
Day 109 - unprocessed

setup shot
Day 109 - Setup Shot

The tripod in the setup shot was placed in the position that I posed for this photo.

until tomorrow,

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Day - 108 Lamb's Ear

I recommend viewing on blackDay - 108 Lamb's Ear

ISO 100 f/22 1/200s 1 SB-800 @ 50mm 1/32nd +2/3 power camera Left 6 inches from subject triggered with on camera pop up.

Returned home to a hole new yard of flowers I am looking forward to everything that bloomed while I was away. Finally catching up.

view my vacation set minus the photos with my daughter here in the Ocracoke set

until tomorrow,

Day - 107 Welcome Home

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Day - 107 Welcome Home

Lighting Info

1 SB-800 hand held camera left set to TTL (yeah I know I went the lazy route, but I have driven almost 2000 miles in the last week).

Day 106 - The Elizabethan Gardens

Day 106 - The Elizabethan Gardens

Stopped by the Elizabethan Gardens On our way home from Ocracoke. I had a hard time picking my favorite photo from the Garden. More images coming Soon!!


Day 105 - Spikes

Day 105 - Spikes

catching up more to come soon...possibly tonight

One thing I noticed is that everything on the island will poke you! In a place as hard to survive as Ocracoke, you gotta be tough.

Day 104 - Purple Clematis

Day 104 - Purple Clematis

catching up more to come soon...possibly tonight

Strobist Info:
1 SB-26 handheld camera left @ 50mm 1/32nd power 12 inches from subject triggered with on camera flash

Day 102 - The Rooster

Day 102 - The Rooster

This guy followed me around all week until I pulled out the camera and tried to take a photo.

Ocracoke Light House

Ocracoke Light House

Ocracoke Sunset via Instagram

Ocracoke Sunset via Instagram

Day 101 - Off Camera Flash is Back

Day 101 - Off Camera Flash is Back

ISO 100 (with 4 Stops of ND filters equivelant to ISO 6) f/22 1/200s. Flash Hand held camera left 6 inches from subject.

Found this little flower on the side of the highway wehre we parked are car. I mounted the camera on a tripod, handheld the flash and triggered the camera with a remote release. The Outer Banks of North Carolina are very different from the abundance of flowers I am used to in North Alabama. I reallly enjoy the beach, but I miss my flowers. The beach has proven to be a challenging place to shoot. I have had to compete with complete sun everyday since I got here. I have kept at least 2 Stops of ND filters on my lenses and keeping sand out of your camera bag is impossible. We will see what tomorrow brings.

until tomorrow,

Day 100 - Leela

Day 100 - Leela

Got a quick shot of Leela while walking to dinner. Second day of shooting only ambient light. I really miss my flashes, but maybe tomorrow.

Day 99 - The Ferry

Day 99 - The Ferry

Finally posting this photo a few days late. Took this shot while on the ferry crossing betweeen islands

Day 98 - Purple

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Day 98 - Purple

ISO 200 f/32 1/200s. 1 SB-800 @ 50mm 1/64th power handheld camera left 6 inches from flower triggered with on-camera pop-up flash set to 1/128th power.

I got my photo in early today. Later tonight I plan to drive to the Outer Banks of North Carolina for a vacation. I hope to continue posting my photos daily while on vacation, but if I get behind, i'll see everyone back in a week. I am excited about the beach and having a new landscape and place to take photos.

until next time,

Day 97 - Full Moon

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Day 97 - Full Moon

ISO 100 f/11 1/200s. 1 SB-26 @50mm 1/1 power (very low batteries this was the last shot I got out of the flash) shoot through umbrella camera right 3 feet from me triggered with pocket wizard plus IIs.

Ambient for the moon.
300mm ISO 100 f/11 1/50s.

I had the idea for this shot at the last minute. Last month I wanted to get full moon photo, but I had an evening of thunderstorms. The sky was unusally clear tonight and I could not pass up the oppurtunity for this shot. My initilal approach was to shoot this with a wide angle lens and have the moon realistically represented as tiny moon going into my mouth, unfortunatly at 18mm you could not distinguish the moon from a street light. A little photoshop magic and this is what you get. I then finally processed the photo in instagram.

Until tomorrow,

Friday, April 6, 2012

Day 96 - Daylilly After Dark

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Day 96 - Daylilly After Dark

Lighting Info:
ISO 100 f/25 1/200s 1 SB-26 @ 85 mm 1/16th power snooted camera left 12 inches from subject.

I had another photo planned for tonight, but we had severe storms moving in and I was able to get a shot of the flower between storms.

until tomorrow,

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Botanical Garden [Explored]

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Botanical Garden [Explored]

Not a daily photo, but it made it to Explore on flickr

1 SB-26 @ 50mm camera right 4 feet from subject most likely 1/4th power triggered with Pocket Wizard Plus IIs

I don't rember what this one is, and I don't remember the exact light info. Shot this in the middle of a sunny day. I used two 2 stop ND filters to kill the ambient light and lit the flower with off camera flash only

more coming soon!!!

Day 95 - Another Unnamed flowering plant

View On BlackDay 95 - Another Unnamed flowering plant

IS0 200 f/25 1/200s 1 SB-26 snooted high left.

I had other plans for todays photo, but resorted to photographing one of the many unknown plants in my yard.

until tomorrow,

Tuesday, April 3, 2012


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ISO 160 f/2.8 1/30s @ 28mm. 1 SB-26 @35mm 1/4th power above camera shot through umbrella triggered with pocket wizard plus IIs.

The only hobby I love more than photography is cycling. Before photography, I spent most of my disposable income on bicycles and gear. This is a picture of a Gary Fisher Rig that I bought from a friend several years ago. I have been wanting to photograph this bike for sometime, and it was good practice for a shoot with my friends new mountain bike sometime in the near future. It took me a while to settle on shooting location, but I finally decided to hang the bike on the fence of a construction site.

I also shot this using my 50mm, but it didn't give me the look I was going for. I had brought the 28mm f/2.8 lens for this shot because of its close focusing distance of about 9 inches.

One fucking speed

I decided to use a square crop for this photo; because I have a roll of 120 I am hoping to finish this week, and I have been uploading my project photos to instagram.

any fellow instagram users be sure to add me (tylerbrown82).

until tomorrow,

Day - 93 Killing the Sun

View On BlackDay - 93 Killing the Sun

ISO 200 f/22 1/200s. 1 SB-26 @ 85mm 1/4 power High left on a flash stand held in my left hand triggered with pocket wizard plus IIs.

Went to the Botanical Gardens near my house today; it was hot and sunny, luckily I had two 2 Stop ND filters to kill the ambient sunlight. I took several photos today, but I really like the water lilly best.

until tomorrow,

Day - 92 Tick Seed

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Day - 92 Tick Seed

ISO 400 300mm f/32 1/200s. 1 SB-800 @ 24mm 1/8th power snooted left and underneath the subject.

I first tried this shot with the flash on the sand in it's lowest postion, but the light looked flat and lack insperation. Then had the idea to lay the flash and stand on the groung very close to the flower. The end of the 12" snoot was 4 inches from the flower. The quality of the light then changed dramatically, giving me a level of texture and detail that I didn't get from a flash directly above.

until tomorrow,

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Day - 91 Wine and Cheese

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Day - 91 Wine and Cheese

ISO 100 f/4 1/200s
SB-800 @17mm 1/32 power in a collapsed umbrella behind subject to create a direct reflection on the knife, and 1 SB-26 @ 24mm 1/32 power camera left with a shoot through umbrella. Triggered with Pocket Wizard Plus IIs.

Day - 91 Wine and Cheese Setup

Tonight I wanted to take a shot at food photography. I had planned this shot in my head since Christmas when Leela received this beautiful cheese plate with the knife pictured. After reading Light, Science, and Magic, I really wanted to put into practice what I learned about direct reflections and taking photos of metal objects. Because my main light, camera left, is outside my family of angles; all the light hitting the polished metal will be reflected out of the frame and the blade would appear dark grey. The light behind, which was in my family of angels, creates the direct reflection resulting in white reflection seen in this shot. Without the light camera left the cheese board went to a dark grey tone; meaning that the rear light contributes almost exclusively to the exposure of the knife alone. The image here is straight out of the camera for the exception of added whitespace in photoshop; I could not frame this shot without having the edge of the table in my shot, and I need to add more table. At first, I had trouble framing my shot to give me the appropriate reflection in the knife; until I realized I a simply need to adjust my camera position until I saw the umbrella in the knife reflection.

until tomorrow, I have more wine to drink and cheese to eat.